Emma Mos She has been a member of our society for over 20 years. Through this way we wish her husband Henk and her family a lot of strength. |
22 April 2019
Helaas zijn er niet genoeg aanmeldingen om de busreis door te laten gaan.
Uiteraard zijn er wel veel leden die op eigen gelegenheid naar Orchillim gaan.
Na Orchillim 2015 is het een tijdje stil geweest rond deze prachtige orchideeënshow. Maar dit jaar wordt hij weer georganiseerd. En geloof me, als Orchideeënliefhebber mag je Orchillim echt niet missen. Veel van onze leden springen elke keer weer in de auto richting Heusden.
Bewonder de pracht van orchideeën in het prachtige kader van de ZLDR Luchtfabriek, Heusden-Zolder.
Na 4 succesvolle edities organiseert regio Limburg van de Orchideeën Vereniging Vlaanderen vzw in samenwerking met nationale en internationale verenigingen en exposant-verkopers opnieuw een grootse Internationale Orchideeënshow, ORCHILIM 2019 in de ZLDR Luchtfabriek, Heusden-Zolder.
Op deze tentoonstelling zullen naast vele juweeltjes uit de regenwouden van Azië de nevelwouden van Zuid-Amerika en de tropische oerwouden van Afrika ook heel wat grootbloemige en veelkleurige species en hybriden te zien zijn. Nationale en internationale exposant-verkopers zullen zowel zeldzame species als de laatste nieuwe hybriden te koop aanbieden.
ORCHILIM 2019 wordt een fantastisch evenement voor zowel orchideeën hobbyisten als voor het brede publiek. Liefhebbers van orchideeën en andere bloemen, reserveer alvast deze weergaloze manifestatie in uw agenda.
Er is een imposante lijst met handelaren die weer bijzondere planten te koop aanbieden.
12 mei 2018
12 januari 2018 was het exact 50 jaar geleden dat de Orchideeënkring groot Rotterdam opgericht werd.
Naar aanleiding van ons 50-jarig jubileum op 12 januari 2018 heeft het bestuur besloten tot een jubileum reis naar Orchideen Lucke, een Duitse kweker afgesloten met een diner op 12 mei 2018.
Zaterdag 12 mei 2018 worden jullie tussen 08:30 en 09:00 verwacht op het parkeerterrein van Hotel van der Valk te Ridderkerk.
Om 09:00 zal de bus vertrekken naar Orchideen Lucke in Neukirchen-Vluyn alwaar we verwachten rond 11:30 aan te komen. Onderweg zal bekeken worden of het noodzakelijk is om een korte plaspauze in te lassen.
Bij Orchideen Lucke (www.orchideen-lucke.de) zullen we koffie/thee met feestelijk gebak nuttigen. Na de koffie krijgen jullie tot uiterlijk 15:00 de tijd om je te vergapen aan de weelde van de orchideeën van het bedrijf en natuurlijk inkopen te doen.
Om uiterlijk 15:00 vertrekt de bus weer richting Ridderkerk (mogelijkheid tot plaspauze wordt wederom onderweg bekeken), alwaar we dan rond 17:30 zullen aankomen. Aldaar wacht ons een uitgebreid buffet inclusief de nodige drankjes in een besloten zaal van het restaurant. Rond 21:00 zal het diner afgesloten worden.
Namens het gehele bestuur
Ron Verzijl
22 en 23 februari 2014
Ook dit jaar waren we weer welkom bij Tuincentrum Life & Garden in Gouda.
Ze zijn afgelopen jaar flink aan het verbouwen zijn geweest en we moeten zeggen, het is erg mooi geworden. De inrichting is volledig veranderd, veel ruimer ingericht en er is zelfs ruimte vrijgemaakt voor een gezellige koffiecorner. Dat ook het winkelend publiek die koffiecorner kan waarderen was zeker op zondag goed te merken.
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Veel bezoekers kwamen speciaal voor onze stand naar het tuincentrum. Meerdere bezoekers brachten zelfs hun eigen orchideeën mee om advies te vragen voor de verzorging.
Er was zelfs een bezoeker die afgelopen week al orchideeën gekocht had, maar nu nog een keer langs kwam voor extra verzorgingsinformatie.
Dankzij de goede reclame die Life and Garden gemaakt had en ook dankzij onze goede adviezen aan de klanten gingen er dan ook zeer veel orchideeën over de toonbank. Zoveel zelfs dat er zondagochtend nog een extra ritje naar de veiling gemaakt moest worden om de voorraden weer aan te vullen.
Al met al was het weer een zeer geslaagd weekend. We hebben veel mensen van goede adviezen kunnen voorzien zodat ze zo lang mogelijk van hun orchideeën kunnen genieten.
June 8th 2013
January 12, 2013 was exactly 45 years ago that the Orchids Society Rotterdam was founded.
Obviously we did not want to let this occasion pass unnoticed.
We therefore want to invite all our members and their partners at June 8th to celebrate our 45-year anniversary.
And where can an orchid society hold its anniversary celebration better than between the orchids. We are very honored to have the opportunity to celebrate our anniversary in the beautifully decorated reception room of a greenhouse of a good orchid grower friend of us.
Invitations with the location and time are sent to all our members and guests. If you are a member, and have not yet received an invitation please let us know ASAP through our contact form.
Of course there will be later on at this page of our anniversary celebration.
a comprehensive report report can be found at our lustrum page.
April 6th 2013
This year during “Kom in de kas” (“get in the greenhouse”, a national open door weekend at professional greenhouses) we were guests at KB Orchids.
Obviously we took some pictures before the doors opened.
It has become quite busy these days, so no lack of attention.
A full report can be found under "Photos / Collection" "Kom in de kas" page.
Februari 22nd and 23rd 2013
This year during the Orchid weekend we we were present at Life & Garden in Gouda. Again it was a very successful weekend.
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We have been able to help many people with advice and care tips. Like the lady who came in and asked for the "the orchid doctor". She owned an orchid that she had received as present a few days earlier, but which already had dropped all the flowers. Luckily she had "the patient" with her. It was soon clear to us. The orchid was probably during transport kept too long in the freezing cold. All flower stems looked glassy.
After advice on how to continue to care for, she went happy again towards home inclusive the flyers and leaflets we gave her.
Obviously we also heard enthiousiast stories like the couple who possessed many Vanda's who they hung in the summer outside in the garden under a trees. This pleased that Vanda's apparently so good that as she told us, they flowered sometimes up to 6 times a year.
Life & Garden Gouda was able to purchase a wide variety of orchids. From very simple white mini Phalaenopsis through Cambria's and beautiful and sweet smelling Zygopetalum to very nicely formatted Vanda's in beautiful glass vases. For every taste and purse there was a beautiful orchid to be found.
Our flyers with general care tips were very populair, and the flyers for the international orchid exhibition at Reinhart orchideeen were taken by many.
All in all a very successful weekend.
And if you do not have a flyer from us, the information that is in the flyer can be found in our caring page under the Literature menu. But of course you can also just go by at Life & Garden in Gouda where our flyers also are available.
Because this course is only given in Dutch, the introduction below isn’t translated. If you can’t read the introduction, we are afraid you’re Dutch isn’t good enough to participate.
Een cursus voor beginners. Maar wat is een beginner?
Is dat iemand die net begint met de orchideeënhobby, of iemand die niet zo lang bezig is met orchideeën of is dat iemand die al langer bezig is, maar zichzelf nog steeds als beginner kwalificeert.
Laatst las ik dat je jezelf pas echt orchideeënkweker kan noemen als je alle facetten van de orchideeënhobby onder de knie hebt, zoals bestuivingen en kruisingen maken. Zelf orchideeën zaaien (invitro), jonge planten op kweken en dan die planten in bloei te krijgen. Helaas ben ik nog geen echte orchideeënkweker.
De cursus is dus voor iedereen bedoeld die interesse heeft in deze hobby.
Vier jaar geleden hebben Jaap Groenendijk en ik voor de eerste keer deze cursus gegeven aan 11 deelnemers. Iedereen heeft de cursus afgemaakt en de reacties waren zeer positief.
Vanuit het bestuur is gevraagd of wij nu weer een keer deze cursus willen geven. Ik vond het leuk om te doen en deze keer doe ik het samen met Aloys Teunissen. Dus in het voorjaar van 2013 gaat deze cursus weer van start.
Aloys en ik kweken al jaren orchideeën. Zegt dit iets over onze leeftijd of zijn we al heel vroeg begonnen met deze hobby? Ervaring met plantjes hebben we in ieder geval wel.
Nieuwe leden/beginners weten vaak niet wat ze met hun planten aan moeten. Verpotten, veel of weinig water, bloembak wel of niet afknippen?
Op de kring horen ze onuitsprekelijke plantennamen, vaktermen en potjeslatijn. Wij willen daar verandering in brengen.
Hoe gaat de cursus eruit zien
De cursus bestaat uit 4 avonden.
Wat gaan we doen
1. Voorstellen, iets over klimaat en water en een plantbespreking.
2. Collectie/keuze maken, ziekte en plagen, vaktermen, plantbespreking.
3. Praktijkavond: oppotten, oppotmateriaal, cultuur planten, plantbespreking.
4. Praktijkavond: opbinden, plantbespreking.
Wat zijn de kosten
Per persoon voor 4 avonden ca. € 20.-
15 of 22 Mei
19:30 – 22:00
ANCO orchideeën
Middenzwet 28
2291 HM Wateringen
Informatie en aanmeldingen
That Louis Schipper is fond of Orchids who hardly can't be seen with the naked eye is already known. At our last visit at Orchid show Leuven he bought himself a new mini Orchid. But because he was curious to know how the flower really looked, he asked us to take pictures of the micro Orchid
With a lot of photo equipment we went to him to take pictures.
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The Orchid he bought was the de Dipteranthus stradae, a beautiful Orchid with flowers the size of the head of a math.
It took a lot of effort and post-processing, but we were able to take very nice pictures.
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We also took some pictures of his Bulbophyllum vulcanicum Ruanda Orchid. The Orchid itself isn’t very special, but the 7 mm small flowers are very impressive.
The orchidsociety Braband organised at 14, 15 en 16 September 2012 , in cooparation with the city Leuven and the employees of the parkservice there third international Orchidshow in the "Oranjerie" of the "Kruidtuin" in Leuven Belgium.
That was a happening we wouldn't want to miss. Several persons of our Orchidsociety went to Leuven this weekend. Some of them just one day, but some of them went for the entire weekend and booked a hotel for the night.
When we arrived at the "Kruidtuin" we already saw some members of our Orchidsociety walking around the exibition.
The "Kruidtuin" is a beautiful botanic garden who takes extremely good care of there garden.
Signs pointed our way to the Oranjerie exibitionrooms. At the entrance whe where welcomed by Jeff and Patrick, some of the many volenteers who made this Orchidshow possible.
However the exibition wasn't very large in square meters, there where a large number of often very rare Orchids displayed.
The exibition had lots of suprising elements like a Habenari medusa in front of a black background and a paintingframe around it.
How often you walked up and down the exibition, every time you discovered something new. Some Orchids had a strong aroma and could hardly be missed/
Others where so small that we just noticed them the second day we went to the Orchidshow.
At the exibition we met Janine de Smedt. She was one of the volenteers and organizers who made this Orchidshow possible. She was both Saterday as Sunday present. We talked about there Orchidsociety and our Orchidsociety and excanged buisinesscards. She was also kind enough to allow us to leave a stack of buisinesscards and flyers at the entrance of the Orchidshow.
Sunday we went back to the "Kruidtuin" and arrived around 10 am. We made some more pictures of Orchids we missed the first day.
Around 3 pm we said goodbey to Janine, Jeff en Patrick en left for home.
The best pictures can be found on our picturepage under Collections/Leuven.
June 11th 2012
Orchidsociety Rotterdam organised een walk in nature reserve Tenellaplas in Rockanje. The Tenellaplas is een nature reserve with a lot wild Orchids.
Destpide the cloudy weather we really enjoyed the walk and seeing that much wild Orchids.
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As always, the pictures can be found at our picturespage on this website (under the button Hiking Areas).
May 18thi 2012
Because it already had been a long time ago we visited the very beautifull exibition Orchideeënhoeve we thought it was time we visitid it again.
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It was a beautifull day, not to much sun because otherwise it can get very hot in a greenhouse. But more then enough sunlight to allow us to take some very nice pictures. As always all of them can be found on our picturespage (under the tab Collections)
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The exibition is very nicely build, at some times you almost get the idea you really are walking in the jungle.
And however the parkinglot was rather filled, the exibition is that large that you won't get bothered by the large number of people that are walking around. You really can enjoy the peace and quit of the almost wild nature and waterfalls and take pictures as if you are the only visitor. Also really worth a visit is the seperate exibition of free flying butterflies.
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Altogether it was a very nice day we really enjoyed.
April 7th 2012
April 6th up to April 9th 2012 was again time for the every 3 year Orchid exibition in the castle of Alden Biesen (België).
Because this is the largest Orchid exibition of Europe we really had te be there.
Because it is a 2 hour drive, we left home rather early in the morning so we were abel to arrive at10:00 am
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After some coffee and tee we went to the exibitionrooms. Only one word came to mind WOWWWWW
We have seen a lot of exibitions but very rarely one this beautifull. Maybe not the largest exibition of Europe in square foot but surely in presentation and beauty and different types of Orchids.
Some in large open walk-trough exibitions,
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and others in small extremely beautifull arranged indoors greenhouses with sometimes beautifull camouflaged humidity installations.
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There where also a lot of Orchid growers, Orchid society's and other company's present to show and sell there products of to get new members. Some bigger names where easy to be found like Hortus Botanicus, Wubben, Klinge, Popow, Anco, Claessen and not in the least place Orchid society Vlaanderen, Limburg en Brabant.
The number of Orchids were hardly to count. Some bigger than two hands like the huge Brasso Laelio Cattleya's and some the size of you're fingernail like the Sophronitis cernue and some no bigger than the head of a pin.
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On our picturepage (under the tab Collections) are all the pictuers we took.
Al together it was a very nice really worth the 430 kilometer long drive.
One of our members contacted us and told us that he has a very special very small orchid that is blossoming. So, that was something we thought we really had to see.
Because Louis (it was Louis Schipper who had contacted us) said he didn't had the equipment to make good pictures of the very small flower, we decided to bring our own equipment. So we took of carrying camera with a very light sensitive lens, macro bellow and a very stable (read a very heavy) tripod.
At home at Louis, we were glad we brought all our equipment, because "very small flower" appeared to be e REALLY very small flower. That is, it was even smaller than the tip of a regular match.
Eventually we managed to take some very nice macro pictures.
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Juni 18 2011
Of course, we all know that even in The Netherlands there wild orchids to find, but you really have to know where to look.
But rest assure, even in the neighbourhood of The Hague at Meijendel Wassenaar there are wild orchids.
Saturday June 18 we were able to join a special orchid round-trip at Meijendel. This round-trip was organized by Dunea.
With thanks to very bad weather and a couple of road-blocks we arrived too late at Meijendel.
Fortunually an employee of Dunea was friendly enough to give us some directions and a map so we could try to find the orchids our self.
With thanks to some other visitors we where able to find some Rietorchis and a lot of Moeraswesporchis.
Later that day the sun appeared again and where we able to make some very nice shots.
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