We try to visit and review all breeders we know. After we have visited them they get their own webpage.
Each assessment begins with (if any) description of the grower, often provided by the grower, followed by our impression of the grower, a conclusion and the assessment itself.
Growers who we have not yet visited (or in some cases were so bad that they do not deserve their own page), can be found further down this page.
Click on the logos below to go to the Growers review pages.
Orchid growers are in random order
Not yet reviewed. Website is just a single-page-website, but looks very nice.
Although we have very good contacts with Inca Orchids and they are even one of our main sponsors, they do not yet have their own review page. But that they are a very good breeder is obvious.
Until recently, they didn't have a website that was worth mentioning, but they made a huge progress with a very nice and informative website in several languages.
Inca orchids
Langelandseweg 2
2631 PS Nootdorp
Tel: 0031 153101383
Fax: 0031 153108493
E-mail: info@vandergoesorchids.nl
Not yet reviewed. Website looks good. Grower seems promising.
The nursery Schüllhorn is a bit of an odd man out. Schülhorn is in fact absolutely not specialized in orchids. Their specialty is in bulb and tuber plants. And well, the Pleione is a tuberous plant.
They mainly supply to companies and dealers, but have (fortunately for us) a good webshop and very fine specimens of Pleione.
Not yet reviewed. Anco is a well known name in the Orchid World and a good and reliable Orchid grower. It will in our opinion therefore does not take long for Anco to have its own page on our website.
"Perhaps you know us as the Vanda specialist, gem of the orchids, which is unique due to her air-roots. It has taken us a few years to develop into
a global market leader. Our Vandas are cultivated with a lot of care and love. Quality... that is something you can rely on. Our core values, honest luxury, passion and exoticism, are reflected in all the products and that is how we like to be known: as a company conducting business in
a professional and responsible way. With you, but also with our partners in Thailand, with products which have been cultivated in a fair way. "
Not yet reviewed.
Orchid grower can be found on the website of the NOV. We were unable to find anything in the internet.
Orchideeënkwekerij Wekking
Strandweg 1a
4371 PJ Koudekerke
Tel: 0118 552065
Mail: wekking@planet.nl
Reviewed May 11th 2013
Nieuwediep 9a,
6851 GB Huissen (near Arnhem).
Despite the announcement at shows and on the website that there are a large number of orchids present, there are virtually no orchids offered. The few orchids for sale are also from other growers, but they are of good quality.
The website seems to be rarely updated. Announcements of shows in January are still on the website. The texts on the website are misleading. Epric is certainly not an orchid grower.
However, a conversation with the owner taught us that there is elsewhere a small greenhouse where they are concerned with orchids. And they are saving money for an extension of the greenhouse complex so they can again actively cultivate orchids again. At what time period he could not tell us.
If Epric still is an "epiphytic plant research and information center" we could not get any clarity.
But it must be said, rarely have we seen so many flowering cacti. Epric is in this segment apparently internationally known. We have also seen many visitors from neighboring countries during our visit.
The impression of their greenhouses are very good, clean and cared of. There are three climate zones for different plants. .
For orchid lovers this breeder at this time certainly is not interesting.
But if you are in the market for, cacti, tillandsia, leaf cacti or fuchsias, then Epric a very good choice.
Quality Orchids | Good |
Impression greenhouse | Very good |
Impression website | Bad |
Orchid species | Unknown |
Price | Good |
Sellingpoint | Shop (openinghours, see website) |
Payment | Cash, Card |
Accessibility | Good |
Parkingspace | Bad |
Update 12-03-2018
We have heard that this orchid grower is no longer active.
Not yet reviewed.
Orchid grower can be found on the website of the NOV. We were unable to find anything in the internet.
Sonnenberg Ochideeën
Develsluis 8a
2995 XB Heerjansdam
Tel: 078 6771880
Quote from the website of Klinge:
"Unfortunately we have decided to close the division botanical orchids and specials.
Our range will now consist mainly of special Phalaenopsis from Taiwan and some Phragmipedium species."
To our great joy we can announce that Klinge is again fully active in the breeding, crossing and propagation of orchids under the name Orchidz.
We have already visited them and have been able to make a first temporary review.
Klinge Orchideeën
Middenweg 54b
1394 AL Nederhorst den Berg
Orchids & SO has a small team, but being small is there strenght.
We all share the same passion: the love for flowers and plants and the enthusiasm to create something beautiful again and again. Our motive is the material. We look at what is possible and capture the purity of the material in a form or composition. In this way we want to create exclusive arrangements that not only look good but also feel that way.
Service and meeting the wishes of the consumer is therefore of paramount importance at Orchids & SO.
Webshop and store.
Shoptimes, see there website
Bredeweg 62,
2752 AB Moerkapelle
Phone 079 - 593 52 12
E-mail info@orchids-and-so.nl
Not yet reviewed. Website looks promising. The large number of Orchid species stands out.
Jacky Orchiflora was created by the passion for orchids of the owners. The company started in 1981 and has since grown into a worldwide known orchid supplier.
The total greenhouse of 9000 square meters of glass is divided into:
- A private garden consisting of our own plants (open to visitors);
- Temperate greenhouse
- A cold temperature greenhouse.
Over the years Orchiflora already won many medals and awards for the quality of its plants as well as for presentations at exhibitions, both in Belgium and internationally.
Jacky Orchiflora BVBA
Duffelsesteenweg 313
B-2550 Kontlich (Antwerpen)
Tel: 0032 32887951
Mail: jacky.orchid@pandora.be
Not yet reviewed. If it wasn't so sad, there website almost would be funny. It is not known or this Orchid grower is still in buisiness.
Orchidee Tropical
Ohiostraat 118
B-9700 Oudenaarde
Tel: 0032 55212790
Mail: info@orchideetropical.be
Not yet reviewed. Website looks reasonable, but last update is of 2009m this does not evoke much confidence.
"Let us introduce ourselves: We are Lisianne and Deavid.
Our shop is located in the Menenstraat 470 in Wevelgem (St. Therese)
In our shop you can get acquainted with an ever changing range of quality orchids blooming in the living room.
These are always presented in a nice frame. In our culture conservatory you can find orchids for greenhouse culture and / or the slightly more advanced grower."
Update 25/02/2013
One of our visitors reported us that Lisianne stopped growing botanical Orchids in October 2010. What they would do then was start growing the rarer Vanda's. If there plans has become reality, was not known to him.
Orchideeën Lisianne
Menenstraat 470
B-8560 Wevelgem
Tel: 0032 56423867
Mail: orchids.lisianne@belgacom.net
Not yet reviewed. Website looks very good. You will immediately notice the huge beautiful Victorian greenhouses and greenhouse complex as well as other beautiful old photos.
"Since 1887, a place where exotic orchids cultivation combined with contemporary floral art. This website introduces you to the rich history of our company, our vast product range and all related services. Pay a visit to one of the oldest farms in Belgium. We like to share our passion for flowers with you.
In our nursery you can admire a unique collection of over 1,000 species. For the passionate collector, we cultivate rare botanical species and hybrids. Many orchids die out because their natural habitat are threatened or by climate change on our planet. It is therefore important that we can preserve as many species as possible.
Taking care of an orchid is a rewarding affair. It makes us aware of the beauty of orchids, but also of their usefulness in nature. We have by no means discovered all secrets of this plant family. In fact, we are still discovering new species.
Because of our love for the orchids, we also grow endangered and rare species. Petrens & Co has also established a close cooperation between the University of Ghent, breeding establishments in Europe and fellow growers in Brazil, Ecuador, Taiwan, Thailand, ... Thus we contribute our bit to the preservation of this beautiful plant family."
Orchideeenkwekerij Petrens & Co
Lauwstraat 74
9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem
Tel: 0032 92211585
Mail: info@orchideeen-petrens.be
Not yet reviewed. Website looks good, but unfortunately no language selection, you will therefore have to manage in German. Hans Lucke, however, has earned his mark as an orchid grower already so we will not hold this against him.
"Gegründet wurde die Orchideen-Gärtnerei bereits im Jahre 1911 durch die Familie Lucke und war damals noch in Sachsen – genauer in Cottbus – beheimatet. Als rein agrarwirtschaftlicher Betrieb wurden vor allem Champignons, Artischocken sowie Balkon- und Beetpflanzen kultiviert. In den Fünfziger Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts siedelte der Betrieb dann – nach mehreren, kriegsbedingten Umzügen – an den heutigen Standort in Neukirchen-Vluyn um.
Erst im Jahre 1969 stellte der damalige Geschäftsführer Hans Lucke das Sortiment ausschließlich auf Orchideen um und machte damit aus der Leidenschaft eine Berufung. Gerade zu Beginn der Orchideenkultur wurde der Schwerpunkt auf Schnittblumenproduktion gelegt; die gängigen Arten waren damals Cymbidium, Odontoglossum und Frauenschuh. Gegen Ende der Achtziger Jahre wurde die Nachfrage nach Topfpflanzen immer größer und so konzentrierte sich Hans Lucke auf das Geschäft mit Zimmerorchideen. Zusammen mit seiner Frau Alwine erarbeitete er sich einen hervorragenden Ruf in der Branche und erweiterte die Gärtnerei um immer weitere Gewächshäuser die den unterschiedlichen Arten optimale Kulturbedingungen boten.
Im Jahr 2002 übergab Hans Lucke seinen Betrieb an den heutigen Inhaber Jörg Frehsonke. Dieser konnte zu jener Zeit bereits auf einen beachtlichen Erfahrungsschatz in der Orchideenzucht zurückblicken. Besucht man den Orchideenbetrieb heute, stellt man schnell fest, dass mit Jörg Frehsonke und seinem Team ein völlig neues, sehr persönliches Konzept in die frühere Gärtnerei eingezogen ist.
Im Juli 2011 feierte die Firma ihr 100. jähriges Bestehen mit einem großen Sommerfest. Und auch 2012 gibt es einen Grund zu feiern. Seit exakt 10 Jahren wird die Traditionsfirma durch Jörg Frehsonke als Inhaber geführt."
Orchideen Hans Lucke
Bergschenweg 6
47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn
Tel: 0049 2845 28612
Mail: orchideen.lucke@web.de
Not yet reviewed. Website looks pretty good. Remarkably, this breeder also has a tropical greenhousepark, where a piece of nature is imitated. Site lacks a language selection and is only in German.
"Gegründet durch Josef Schronen im Jahre 1961 können wir bis heute, auf über 50 Jahre Erfahrung und Fachwissen im Bereich der Orchideenzucht zurückgreifen. Über die Jahrzehnte hinweg wurde das Unternehmen stetig vergrößert und ist bis zum heutigen Tag eines der schönsten Ausflugsziele der Westeifel. Mit über 1000 verschiedenen Orchideenarten und verschiedenen Schau- und Verkaufsgewächshäusern ist bei jedem Wetter ein Ausflug lohnend.
Nach der Betriebsübergabe an Guido Schronen im Jahre 2004 wurde der Exotenbereich durch Bromelien und Tillandsien immer mehr erweitert. Als Highlight konnten wir ab Herbst 2011, als einziger Orchideen-Importeur aus Costa Rica, das Pflanzenangebot nochmals vergrößern.
In den kommenden Jahren wollen wir unsere Kunden, immer wieder durch neue Orchideenarten und verbesserte Pflegeprodukte am Hobby *ORCHIDEEN* erfreuen und stets als Partner für professionelle Beratung zur Verfügung stehen."
Orchideenzucht Schronen
In der Elkes 3-5
D-54639 Daleiden
Tel: 0049 6550 1438
Mail: info@orchideen-schronen.de
Not yet reviewed. Website looks good, language selection is possible in German, English and Dutch. The web shop is only for companies. Private individuals can only make purchases in the store itself.
"Burkhard Holm initiated his own company in 1976. He leased greenhouses in Kalkar where he began with the production of Anthurium, Strelitzia and Cymbidium. Subsequently Phalaenopsis, Odontoglossum, Cattleya and several other genera were added. In 1988, Burkhard and his wife Margarete bought an old farm in the municipality Bedburg-Hau. There they built their own nursery.
In 2000 the company was taken over by their son Marko. He started with the production of young plants, which has been developed and intensified considerably throughout the years.
Today the greenhouses cover about 5.500 m². The company still focusses on breeding and selection and the production of young plants.
Since springtime 2005, the Phalaenopsis selection for Steri Plant and Orchideen Holm is taking place at the company Selekta GmbH & Co.KG in Kapellen.
Orchideen Holm is and will continuously focus and develop itself at their breeding activities and the production of young plants. Our assortment will expand and diversify even more in all fields of orchids. For the coming years our main focus will be on the improved production planning and a closer contact to our customers.
Today, private customers are again very welcome in there extensive greenhouses. They grow very many kinds of orchids like they did 20 years ago. They have collected orchids for almost 30 years."
Orchideen Holm seems more than worth a visit so we can give them a rating of our own hands.
Holm Orchideen
Alte Bahn 206
47551 Bedburg-Hau
Tel: 0049 2824 3167