These insects are like the mealy bug and green aphids, cicadas and white fly family of the lice. The damage caused by infestation is almost identical to the damage that the mealy bug causes. They also suck plant juices from the cell until it is empty and fill it again with the plant poisonous saliva. These females can't move and hide under the cap or shield and sit motionless with their snout stuck firmly to the plant. The males are white and narrow and often find themselves in groups below the leaf.

There are dozens of different types of shell and scale insects. Some known mealy bug species are Diaspis boisduvalli and Aspidiodtus nerii

The troublesome species Coccus are the Dynaspidiotus brittanicus, the Coccus hesperidum, Sassetia coffeae and the Pulvinaria hydrangeae.

Under the shield females produce more than 1,000 eggs. The larvae do have legs and crawl under the shield away and find a permanent place to feed and remain there.

Males are oblong and white, there life is very short and gather together. Scale lice reach only a few mm in size. Often there occurs under and around them a pale or otherwise colored stain in the plant tissue. There are dozens of species known to effect orchids.

Bulb Coccus are usually slightly larger than scale Coccus and darker. The adults have a bulb shield (brown or yellow with dark spots).
Some tips that can help to prevent pests or at least keeping under control .
- Try not to save plants with repeatedly pest problems at all costs.
- Pests have a preference for plants that have grown out of control, weak and malnourished or just over fertilized plants.
- Plants that can stand the outside temperatures will often flourish wen put outside for a while.
- Check plants regularly for pests. Cut, once you see bugs, the affected parts and put them in the garbage can. Don't throw them on the compost heap, because the disease can spread to plants in the garden.
- Some pests will never get away, but well-kept plants will not die from them.
- And be careful when buying plants. Pay good attention or the plant looks healthy and not over fertilized (pale and grown out of proportions).
The control of these insects is not easy. Treatment with alcohol or soapy water and commercially available spray is very effective.
- Actellic
- Undeen
- Admire / Envidor and Pirimor
- Decis and Provado (systemic agent)
Repeat treatment every 2 weeks.