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Direct te downloaden EBooks:


About Orchids,
Frederick Boyle
The Woodlands Orchids,
Frederick Boyle
James O'Brien


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Website met bijna 40 orchidee gerelateerde EBooks.

Doorzoekbare website met zeer veel EBooks.


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Zeer leuk om eens rond te neuzen is een website met een grote collectie orchideeëntekeningen.


Orchid history

Inspired by King Carlos III in the second half of 18th Century, the Spanish government demonstrated a serious interest in the study of the rich floras of the colonies of the New World. The Royal expedition to Peru and Chile, led by Ruiz and Pavón, continued for 11 years in the twocolonies and was followed by the activities of Tafalla and Manzanilla, who botanized in Peru and Ecuador. Two preliminary accounts of the flora of Peru were published in 1794 and 1798, but only three of the planned eleven volumes and five supplements of the Flora Peruviana et Chilensis were eventually published. The seventh volume, devoted to the Orchids, never saw the light of day.